Ready for a chilled summer of fun?

Summer means more work for parents. Entertaining little ones adds to the mental load. Make your life easier: sign up to receive activity ideas, plus relaxation for you. All for less than £1 a week.

  • Weekly activity sheet

    New ideas each week emailed to you. Accessible via this course portal too, so always at your finger tips.

  • Variety of easy & cheap activities

    Each week new ideas for water fun, nature play, imagination, games, and simple creative play. Plus games for journeys. All low or no cost.

  • Chilled You

    Plus relaxation and recharge for you too, including relaxation audio.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome!

    2. How to use this course

    3. Before we begin...

    1. Fun for the kids

    2. Chilled for you

    3. Summer Fun Bucket List

    1. Weekly idea sheets

    2. Week 1 activities

    3. Week 2 Summer Fun Activity ideas

    4. Week 3 Summer Fun Activity ideas

    1. Week 1 water activity

    2. Week 2 water activity idea

    3. Week 3 water activity idea

    1. Week 1 nature activity

    2. Week 2 nature activity

    3. Week 3 nature activity

    1. Week 1 creative activity

    2. Week 2 Creative activity

    3. Week 3 Creative activity

About this course

  • £6.00
  • 37 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

easy, cheap, activities at your fingertips

make it a chilled summer of fun


If you like this course, why not look at these bundles, to have a whole summer of relaxed fun.

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    £12.00Chilled Family Summer

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  • £33.00

    £33.00Chilled Summer - bumper bundle

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