Chilled Start to School
Be prepared, practically & emotionally, for this big step
It's a big step for them, & for you. This course, by a reception class teacher, will guide you through how to prepare, practically and emotionally, and what to expect, so you both feel relaxed and ready to start school.
What skills your child needs, and what you don't need to worry about. How to prepare them for their first day.
What to expect the first day, the first week, the first term. What your little one will be learning, and how you can support them at home.
Tips to support transition to school, drops offs, and overcoming difficulties. Plus space to reflect on your emotions and worries.
How to use this course
Before we begin...
Chilled for your child
Chilled for you
Individual needs
Intro to Readiness skills - learning
Introduction to Readiness skills: self care
Asking for help
Wiping nose
Introduction to Transition support
Preparing them
First day
Parting and greeting
Overcoming difficulties with transition
Individual needs
First day, week, term
Classroom & learning
If you like this course, why not look at these bundles, to have a whole summer of relaxed fun.