Spring into your year

How would you like this year to unfurl? Would you like more of a spring in your step? Have you thought about the metaphorical seeds you'd like to sow this year? Would you like your life to be more aligned to you? Start Springing and open your windows to let in the fresh air to your mind and your life. Springing is for you. Pause. Rest. Reflect. Be inspired by the season.

  • Simple relaxation exercises to help you rest, reflect, and restore.

  • Simply press play on the videos or audio, and be gently guided through lovely relaxing sessions, in your own time.

  • Inspiring workbook/restbook, and downloadable relaxation MP3s

  • Additional optional activities to deepen and extend your rest and reset.

  • Self-paced, do the sessions in your own time. (Each will take approximately 45 minutes.)

Springing programme

Using the four elements to give focus for reflection, and be inspired by the season.

    1. Check In

    2. Grounding - What To Sow

    3. Earth Relaxation

    4. Optional Task - Go Barefoot

    5. Check in

    1. Check In

    2. Spring Clean. Make Space

    3. Water Relaxation

    4. Finger Labyrinth

    5. Optional Task - Forest Bathing

    6. Check in

    1. Check In

    2. Open The Windows

    3. Air Relaxation - Yoga Nidra

    4. Finger Labyrinth

    5. Optional Task - Vision Board

    6. Check in

    1. Check In

    2. Welcome Warmth and Light

    3. Fire Relaxation

    4. Optional Task - Fire Pit

    5. Check in

    1. Reflection and Feedback

    2. Feedback

    3. Next Steps

About this course

  • £9.00
  • downloadable workbook
  • video guides for each section
  • downloadable relaxation mp3s

Start Springing today

rest, reflect, renew


  • When can I access the sessions?

    You will have immediate access to the whole programme so you can go at your own pace.

  • What if I can't do it straightaway?

    You have unlimited access. You can do this anytime. It doesn't have to be actual Spring. You could do this when you have a Spring like time in your life. You can also access this each year.

  • Do I need any experience or knowledge?

    No, this is a light, easy programme, suitable for all, from relaxation novices to yoga teachers!

Are you ready to blossom?

Start Springing today


Cathy Williams

I’m Cathy, Chilled Mama. I help people, particularly parents, to relax and follow their own path in life. I have five children, who are mostly grown ups now. I’m a single parent and I like walking in the woods, reading, and drinking tea. I am a parenting practitioner, doula, perinatal educator and trainer, with over two decades of supporting families, both as an independent, and as an early years teacher, manager of a Sure Start children's centre, volunteer with bump, baby, and children's groups and charities. I am also a labyrinth facilitator and Shinrin Yoku guide (forest bathing). I use these tools and skills in my own life, and with my clients. I’d love to hear from you! [email protected]