Course curriculum

    1. Welcome

    2. Important message from Chilled Mama Cathy

    3. Your Restore my balance workbook

    4. How to use this course

    5. Before we begin...

    1. Rest

    2. Take rest up a level

    1. Gratitude

    2. Take gratitude up a level

    1. Play

    2. Take play up a level

    1. Listen

    2. Take listening up a level

    1. Be joyful

    2. Take joy up a level

About this course

  • £9.00
  • 21 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content


Cathy Williams

I’m Cathy, Chilled Mama. I help people, particularly parents, to relax and follow their own path in life. I have five children, who are mostly grown ups now. I’m a single parent and I like walking in the woods, reading, and drinking tea. I am a parenting practitioner, doula, perinatal educator and trainer, with over two decades of supporting families, both as an independent, and as an early years teacher, manager of a Sure Start children's centre, volunteer with bump, baby, and children's groups and charities. I am also a labyrinth facilitator and Shinrin Yoku guide (forest bathing). I use these tools and skills in my own life, and with my clients. I’d love to hear from you! [email protected]


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