Resource sections

Specially curated relaxations for a blissful pregnancy

    1. Intro to relaxation for sleep

    2. Relaxation Ripple

    3. Deep, full body relaxation

    4. Sinking in relaxation

    5. Yoga nidra

    1. Intro to relaxations to calm your mind

    2. Deep, relaxing breath

    3. Focus object

    4. Warm stone meditation

    5. Peaceful place visualisation

    6. Finger Labyrinth

    7. Dealing with pregnancy anxieties

    1. Intro to relaxations to soothe your body

    2. Relaxation Ripple

    3. Rag doll relaxation

    4. Shaking down

    5. Dancing

    1. Into to relaxations to connect with your baby

    2. Connected breath

    3. Conscious touch

    4. Beach visualisation

    5. Holding my baby visualisation

About this resource

  • £27.00
  • 1 hour of video content
  • Over 20 downloadable tracks
  • Downloadable pdfs

The ultimate resource for a blissful bump

Relaxations to help you sleep, soothe your body, and calm your mind. Plus a section with beautiful relaxations to help you to connect to your baby. Dip in and out of this brilliant resource and find what you need.

  • Difficult to get to sleep?

    A whole section is dedicated to relaxation exercises to listen to that are designed to help you drop off to sleep quicker.

  • Feeling stressed & anxious?

    A section of this resource is for relaxations that are particularly good at calming your mind, reducing anxiety, and boosting your sense of wellbeing.

  • Tense, tired and achy?

    The section on relaxations to soothe your body will relax your muscles, and release tension, helping you to feel more comfortable, with fewer aches and pains.


  • best night's sleep

    "After the session I had the best night's sleep I'd had in a long time."

  • informative & enjoyable

    ​"Having just completed the second five week relaxation techniques for pregnancy and birth course I wanted to write and thank you for both an informative and enjoyable experience."

  • would recommend

    "I would recommend this course to any pregnant friends."

Benefits of relaxation in pregnancy

Research has found a ton of benefits to relaxation in pregnancy, for you and your baby. Watch the video on the benefits in the free preview to find out more.

  • Reduced blood pressure

  • Improved sleep

  • Reduced anxiety & improved mood

  • Reduced chance of antenatal & postnatal depression

  • Improved bonding with baby

  • Reduced chance of premature or small for dates baby

A blissful bump starts here

Dive in and feel the benefits