Let go of worries about weaning

When should you start? Does it matter which meal? How can you tell they are ready? What if they sleep through a meal time? What food should you start with? Does it matter if it is sweet or savoury? What foods should be avoided? What about spices? What happens to the milk? How do you get the balance right? What equipment do you need? Can you avoid a fussy eater? How do you avoid some of the issues around food that you may have? What about allergies? What the heck is baby led weaning? Can you combine approaches? What about choking? Developed over 10 years with 100s of families, this course will answer all your questions, leaving you feeling confident, relaxed, and even excited about your baby's next step. In this course, Chilled Mama Cathy keeps it simple, with a focus on your individual baby, and their physical development. This course gives you the information, & the space to think about it, so can make up your mind what to do.

  • so much more relaxed

    "Brilliant course. I feel so much more relaxed about weaning now and clued up on what to do and when."

  • stress free way

    "Weaning doesn't seem half as daunting now I'm armed with not only menu ideas but the understanding of when babies are ready to wean and how to approach it in a stress free way for me and my little man."

  • feel more confident

    "Very clear & easy to understand. Much less daunting now. Feel more confident to begin baby led weaning."

Course curriculum

    1. The basics

    2. Top tips for starting solids from Swansea University

    1. Why introduce solids?

    2. Signs of readiness

    3. How to introduce solids?

    4. Cautions

    5. Food and their nutrients

    6. Commercial baby foods handout

    1. Peanuts

    2. Cow's milk protein allergy CMPA

    3. How to spot a food allergy reaction

    1. Attitude to food

    1. How to present food

    2. Getting Started

    3. Meal time ideas

About this course

  • £29.00
  • 32 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content

a fun & relaxed approach to weaning

for you and your little one


Cathy Williams

I’m Cathy, Chilled Mama. I help people, particularly parents, to relax and follow their own path in life. I have five children, who are mostly grown ups now. I’m a single parent and I like walking in the woods, reading, and drinking tea. I am a parenting practitioner, doula, perinatal educator and trainer, with over two decades of supporting families, both as an independent, and as an early years teacher, manager of a Sure Start children's centre, volunteer with bump, baby, and children's groups and charities. I am also a labyrinth facilitator and Shinrin Yoku guide (forest bathing). I use these tools and skills in my own life, and with my clients. I’d love to hear from you! [email protected]